Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whats Cooking Sunday?

Since I have been counting my calories and not eating meat, I have had a tough time trying to figure out what to have for supper... well, tonight, I was alone for supper, Blake had went to his parents house for supper, I could not attend sadly because of a silly little incedent that happened yesterday that involved me... hanging from my leg outside of the van... and ice... and my knee and hip... anyways,

I came up with this little dish, that I will be trying again,

1/4 box of whole grain spagetti noodles 280 calories (per serving)
1/4 cup of mushroon alfrado sauce 70 calories
1 md zuccini 31 calories
1 cup mini mushrooms 15 calories
1 big slice of red onion 10 calories
2 teaspoons of light becel 35 calories

While the noodles were boiling, I fried the mushrooms, zuccini, and red onion, in 2 teaspoons of becel, when the noodles were done, I added the sauce and plated, I then threw the fried veggies on top of it all...

it was very yummie for only 441 calories!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm! Mike and I had almost the exact same thing. We just had a little chicken breast with ours. So yummy and not nearly as horrible as you'd think.
